
North Lancaster News

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Lancaster County is home to 1,052 White inmates in April

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1,052 White inmates were incarcerated in Lancaster County in April, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

This is an increase of 14 over the month before.

Claire Elaina Miller, a 16-year-old White woman, was the youngest inmate in Lancaster County in April.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in Lancaster County in April

Aaron Blake RobertsonBlack
Aaron Christophe LathanWhite
Aaron FisherWhite
Aaron Walter RobinsonBlack
Abdulmumin WaltonBlack
Abel Rosario RodriquezWhite
Abigail Morgan FanusWhite
Abraham Richard SmithWhite
Abraham SanchezWhite
Acevedo Noel AgostoWhite
Adam Isaiah SantiagoWhite
Adam Michael LawsonWhite
Adam Mrng Star LynchWhite
Adam Scott HammerWhite
Adrian Ben WagnerWhite
Adrian Perfecto RiveraWhite
Agustin RosarioWhite
Ahlias RiveraBlack
Ahmed M. MousaBlack
Albert Alicea-GonzalezWhite
Albert J. StewartBlack
Alberto RiveraWhite
Alberto Rosado-CamachoWhite
Alejandro Cruz-SantiagoWhite
Alejandro DejesusWhite
Alejandro Jose YensBlack
Alexander August PalmisanoWhite
Alexander ColonWhite
Alexander CruzWhite
Alexander Fernandez-RamosWhite
Alexander Jackson MatesigWhite
Alexander James MurrayWhite
Alexander Jose RodriguezBlack
Alexander Kenneth KlingWhite
Alexander Luis MacHadoWhite
Alexander Morales-RiveraWhite
Alexander Ramos-PachecoWhite
Alexander Rivera RodriguezWhite
Alexander William ScottWhite
Alexandr Vladimirod RemorenkoWhite
Alexis Alberto CuevasWhite
Alexis Javier VillotWhite
Alexis MendozaWhite
Alexus VasquezWhite
Alfred Charles CarreraWhite
Alfred Harry HicksBlack
Alisa Ashley Michelle LoumpWhite
Allan Roy WilsonWhite
Allen Winfield MobleyBlack
Allison Elizabeth OberdorffWhite
Alphonso SandersBlack
Alvin Earl LawrenceBlack
Alvin Frank ChambersWhite
Amanda Lyn VelezWhite
Amauris A. Arias-VialetBlack
Amber Kristine CostarellaWhite
Amos Lee FisherWhite
Amy Elizabeth ManningWhite
Andre Antoine LemonBlack
Andrew David WestryWhite
Andrew Evan HowlandWhite
Andrew KatzmarekWhite
Andrew Luis RentasWhite
Andrew Mark BashoreWhite
Andrew Marquis WeathersWhite
Andrew MillisockWhite
Andrew Paul SpeddenWhite
Andrew Ray MoyerWhite
Andrew Ryan HiskerWhite
Andrew Ryan LundgrenWhite
Andrew Stephen JohnsWhite
Andrew Todd FrantzWhite
Andrew William KubikWhite
Andy Rivera RodriguezBlack
Angel Antonio RaspaldoWhite
Angel David GalarzaWhite
Angel Enrique MolinaBlack
Angel Luis DeleonWhite
Angel Luis JimenezBlack
Angel Luis RiveraBlack
Angel Luis TorresWhite
Angel Luis VazquezWhite
Angel MercedWhite
Angel Miguel RojasWhite
Angel Rodriguez ArroyoWhite
Angel Santos IrizarryBlack
Angela GiambilasWhite
Angela M. DiazWhite
Angelo Alexis RodriguezWhite
Angelo Ernest LucasBlack
Anotnio Gabriel Reyes-SanchezWhite
Anthony BlockerBlack
Anthony Charles LandiWhite
Anthony Dominick OrsiWhite
Anthony Dwayne KashnerWhite
Anthony George CottonWhite
Anthony J. MarianiWhite
Anthony J. RojasWhite
Anthony James JohnsonBlack
Anthony James RaineyWhite
Anthony John CaraballoWhite
Anthony Lee RutterWhite
Anthony Marcus DavisBlack
Anthony Michael BisazzaWhite
Anthony Nelson SantiagoWhite
Anthony PlazaWhite
Anthony PoughBlack
Anthony Ray HeiseyWhite
Anthony Richard MacHadoWhite
Anthony Richard ThompsonWhite
Anthony Scott GarmanWhite
Anthony Scott VanvoorenWhite
Anthony Tyler FoxWhite
Anthony Tyrone DavisBlack
Anthony Vincent FelizziWhite
Anthony William CaldwellBlack
Antoine Dewayne WalkerBlack
Anton CallahamBlack
Antonio Cordero-VelezWhite
Antonio Flores-FelicianoWhite
Antonio Juan RiveraWhite
Antonio Louise JacksonWhite
Antonio Marco GuarducciWhite
Antonio Rey SanchezWhite
Antonio V IllianoWhite
Antonio VelasquezWhite
Antwan Lamar ResselBlack
Antwuan Jerimiah GomezBlack
Aramis GonzalezBlack
Archie Lorenzo BeardBlack
Aries Alexander DrummWhite
Arieset Galarza-RuizWhite
Artiba Dominque HarrisonBlack
Ashley Rose CurryWhite
Ashton LopezWhite
Aurelio Rivera-LopezWhite
Austin Scott GwinnWhite
Austin WhitakerBlack
Avery E. SanchisAsian
Azhon Jamier AllenBlack
Bakar Jahi BrownBlack
Barry A. FoultzWhite
Barry Charles SchiffWhite
Barry Jay DeckerWhite
Barry R. BuchterWhite
Barry WarrenWhite
Baseal ShulerBlack
Benjamin Daniel KlingerWhite
Benjamin SantiagoWhite
Benjamin T. HenryWhite
Bennett Lesley CottonBlack
Benny Robert CarverWhite
Bernard Sanford AxeWhite
Blaine SmithWhite
Brandon L. ForcierWhite
Brandon L. HillBlack
Brandon Lamont McPhersonBlack
Brandon Lee SweigartWhite
Brandon M. ScheidWhite
Brandon M. SmithWhite
Brandon Michael ApostolecWhite
Brandon Robert RutherfordWhite
Brandon Scott WalburnWhite
Breania AnsmanWhite
Bredley HernandezWhite
Brett Martin PetersBlack
Brian Charles ConradWhite
Brian David KlineWhite
Brian Davis CaldwellWhite
Brian GainerWhite
Brian James GardinerWhite
Brian Jonah PaltanWhite
Brian Kevin WesleyBlack
Brian Kirk ByrnesWhite
Brian Maurice CunninghamBlack
Brian Michael BarnardWhite
Brian Michael KnoxWhite
Brian S. OsterWhite
Brittany Ann MarksWhite
Bruce R. SchmidtWhite
Hayden Matthew ThomanWhite
Hector CamaraWhite
Hector Colon-PlazaWhite
Hector Daniel Ortiz-RiveraWhite
Hector Luis Rodriguez-VelezWhite
Hector Luis Solares-AcostaWhite
Hector MaldonadoWhite
Hector Rafael VasquezWhite
Hector Valentine NazarioWhite
Heriberto SotoWhite
Hilary Caleb GbotoeBlack
Horace James DoggettWhite
Hunter Gabriel KlaseWhite
Ian StewartAsian
Isaac VegaBlack
Isaiah Lee FelixWhite
Isaiha Dion StanfordBlack
Ismael RosarioWhite
Israel Alan FaberWhite
Israel ArochoWhite
Israel DiazWhite
Israel Polanco-CanoWhite
Jack W. NissleyWhite
Jacob DelmonteWhite
Jacob JonesWhite
Jacob Paul NewnamWhite
Jacob Yoder FisherWhite
Jacquin John CarrBlack
Jahir Rechine JohnsonBlack
Jaime VegaWhite
Jakeem Lydell TowlesBlack
Jakobi William FrazierBlack
Jakwan Archie GreenBlack
Jamell Edward PristerBlack
James A. BeamWhite
James Albert DulioWhite
James Bradford JonesWhite
James Charles SimmonsWhite
James Conrad PruittWhite
James David DickWhite
James Duane NewsomWhite
James E. WashingtonBlack
James Emory QuinnWhite
James Fleetro ThomasBlack
James Gregory WueschinskiWhite
James Jamie MalaveWhite
James Jonathan RochaWhite
James Joseph HersheyWhite
James Lee TruittWhite
James Orion PeckWhite
James P. IrvinWhite
James Patrick CardenWhite
James Peter McConnellWhite
James R. WelshWhite
James Robert DevonshireWhite
James Russel BloughWhite
James Thomas ShoemakerWhite
James Vincent FeasterWhite
James WheelerWhite
James William DaviesWhite
Jamie Franco-QuinonesWhite
Jamie Lyn BolenBlack
Jamie R. RodriguezBlack
Jamie Santiago-LeonWhite
Jamil D. McClennanBlack
Jaquia MoralesBlack
Jaray Keyon BennerBlack
Jared Adam DouglasWhite
Jared H. LoweWhite
Jaron Duane ReaWhite
Jasiah Davis-MillisockBlack
Jason Allen SierraWhite
Jason D. JarvisWhite
Jason Dale NewcombWhite
Jason Echevarria-AntunaBlack
Jason Eugene KeithWhite
Jason OsborneWhite
Jason Paul GarciaWhite
Jatniel Cotto-MartinezWhite
Javen T. JacksonBlack
Javier GomezWhite
Javier Junior OrtizWhite
Javier MedinaWhite
Javon Allen ToaltoanBlack
Jay Edwin HorningWhite
Jay Henery NohrenholdWhite
Jay Quinn FarleyWhite
Jayquann Allen BurkettBlack
Jb Todd BarrWhite
Jeff DepoeWhite
Jeffrey A. LeedWhite
Jeffrey Aaron LangWhite
Jeffrey Earl WatsonWhite
Jeffrey Neal SaxbergWhite
Jeffrey Scott PuryearBlack
Jeffrey Warren ShackelfordBlack
Jemiral Edward RobertsonBlack
Jennifer Lynn YoungWhite
Jeovanny Colon ShultzWhite
Jeremiah Lamar DatesBlack
Jeremy Clayton GoodWhite
Jeremy Heath BarneyWhite
Jeremy Michael AndersonWhite
Jeremy Richard KeiserWhite
Jeremy Richard ReinholdWhite
Jeremy RodriguezWhite
Jeremy S. HostetterWhite
Jeremy Tylor AlstonWhite
Jermere Loniel ReidBlack
Jerold Rodger WeirichWhite
Jerry Edward JonesWhite
Jesse Dee WiseBlack
Jesse Edward GettleWhite
Jessica Lynn MartinWhite
Jessica Marie HarperWhite
Jessica Marie LaurieWhite
Jessica Marie LopezOther
Jesus Dejesus-GonzalezWhite
Jesus Manuel CruzWhite
Jesus Manuel LasantaBlack
Jesus RosarioWhite
Jim Henry PriceWhite
Jim Joseph WalshWhite
Jim TorresWhite
Jimmy Lee HerrWhite
Jimmy PierreBlack
Jody Ann UrbanekWhite
Joel Laquan SantiagoWhite
Joel PerezWhite
Joel Zebulin WhiteWhite
Johanna Kim DemancheAsian
John Arthur AskewWhite
John Ben GarciaWhite
John Charles EckertWhite
John Christian LewisWhite
John Christophe ForehandWhite
John F. HenryWhite
John Hardy CarterWhite
John I. ReedWhite
John James WardWhite
John LongWhite
John Matthew SowersWhite
John Richard GentryWhite
John Roy GerfinWhite
John S. WintersWhite
John SzymkiewiczWhite
John Thomas GrannasWhite
John Tyler AndrewWhite
John Wayne GravesBlack
John William UhlrichWhite
John William WarrenBlack
Johnathan C. TorresWhite
Johnathan Carlos CarmonaWhite
Johnathan David BeilerWhite
Johnny Velez-IrizarryWhite
Jonata Junior DiazWhite
Jonathan David MastellerBlack
Jonathan Gamal GranadosWhite
Jonathan Jamar JoynerBlack
Jonathan Joseph CameronBlack
Jonathan Julio ToroWhite
Jonathan Lynn YoderWhite
Jonathan Matthews MercadoWhite
Jonathan VargasWhite
Jonathon Allen SeagerWhite
Jordan Alexander MayesWhite
Jordan J. YostWhite
Jordan R. ChantWhite
Jordan R. KellanderWhite
Jorge Luis Alfaro-NorahbuenaWhite
Jorge Luis VegaWhite
Jorge Omar GarciaOther
Jose A. RamosBlack
Jose Alberto EstevezWhite
Jose Alberto VazquezWhite
Jose Angel AcostaWhite
Jose Anthony PrattsWhite
Jose Antonio ColonWhite
Jose Antonio Rivera-QuinonesWhite
Jose Antonio ValenciaWhite
Jose Armandi ColonWhite
Jose Diaz DiegoWhite
Jose DuqueWhite
Jose Enrique Lebron-GarciaWhite
Jose Enriques NievesWhite
Jose H. PerezWhite
Jose Javier TorresWhite
Jose Javier Vazquez-GalarzaWhite
Jose Javier Vazquez-MartinezWhite
Jose Luis Flores-MedinaWhite
Jose Luis GonzalesWhite
Jose Luis RodriguezBlack
Jose Manuel Rivera-VazquezWhite
Jose Manuel VazquezWhite
Jose Orlando AliceaWhite
Jose Rafael Vazquez-QuinonesWhite
Jose Rivera-CruzWhite
Jose Santos FerrufinoWhite
Jose ValentinWhite
Jose Vicente Malave-TorresWhite
Joseph A. ValentinWhite
Joseph Benjamin HockWhite
Joseph ColombaWhite
Joseph Evans CrossanWhite
Joseph FormicaWhite
Joseph James DonnellyWhite
Joseph John GoodlingWhite
Joseph John MadonnaWhite
Joseph Kelly MahorneyWhite
Joseph Michael WarnerWhite
Joseph Noel DejesusWhite
Joseph Stephan PortsBlack
Joseph T. RohrerWhite
Joseph W. WestmanWhite
Joshua Douglas McLaughlinWhite
Joshua FloresWhite
Joshua Ismael SantiagoWhite
Joshua James AukampWhite
Joshua Lee DelrossiWhite
Joshua M. ProperWhite
Joshua Michael KitchWhite
Joshua Michael WitwerWhite
Joshua Ray TynerBlack
Joshua Torres-GonzalezWhite
Joshua Victor GochenaurWhite
Jovan Daris SanfordBlack
Jovar Juwan JacksonBlack
Jovon V HeffnerWhite
Joy M. Oshea-WoomerWhite
Juan Alberto Rosario-MartinezBlack
Juan Carlos GonzalezWhite
Juan Carlos RiveraWhite
Juan Cristo-MunozWhite
Juan Javier Torres-TorresWhite
Juan Jose RuizWhite
Juan Ortiz-ReyesWhite
Juan Perez-TorresWhite
Juan Ramon SilvaWhite
Juan Reyes-ValdesWhite
Juan RodriguezWhite
Juan Rodriguez-CruzWhite
Judy Lynn SimpsonWhite
Julee CampbellWhite
Julie Wendy McBrideWhite
Julio RamirezWhite
Junius P. LeisureBlack
Justin J. YostWhite
Justin Joseph SchwankeWhite
Justin Lamar DavisBlack
Justin Lee CaseWhite
Justin Lee GreeneWhite
Justin Lee HaldemanWhite
Justin M. ClawsonWhite
Justin MayfieldWhite
Justin Michael JenkinsWhite
Justin Randolph WebbWhite
Justina Lamour HeiseyWhite
Jyptian T. GroomsBlack
Kadir Temam MehadiBlack
Kahlil Kahree HammondBlack
Kaiki Monte StewartBlack
Kalvin Maurice McCulloughBlack
Kamika BowmanBlack
Kareem D. GainesBlack
Kasey Guy JohnsonWhite
Kathleen Evelyn MooreWhite
Kawame Romdon CoeBlack
Kawan Rashad WattsBlack
Kaylon E. CowanBlack
Keeshond Dwayne ColeBlack
Keith Andrew SnowWhite
Keith Chul WeaverAsian
Keith James LongWhite
Keith PetersWhite
Keith Wayne MillerWhite
Kelly Lynn FieniWhite
Kendall EckhartWhite
Kendell Charles FosterBlack
Kenneth AldingerWhite
Kenneth BrownBlack
Kenneth E. ChaseWhite
Kenneth Eugene SandsWhite
Kenneth L. WhiteBlack
Kenneth Lamar GillisBlack
Kenneth Lamont HugginsBlack
Kenneth Lee WilsonWhite
Kenneth PeraltaWhite
Kenny Ismael Padilla-PinedaWhite
Kenny M. GarciaWhite
Kenny S. MurphBlack
Kenton ReidBlack
Kenyon Deron NesbittBlack
Kerby Keane KellerWhite
Kerick A. ErismanWhite
Kernest Colber GuerrierBlack
Kevin Alfonso Reyes-MolinaWhite
Kevin Alicea-DelgadoBlack
Kevin Andrew ShenkWhite
Kevin Daniel LenoxWhite
Kevin Eric KenneyWhite
Kevin J. GetchiusWhite
Kevin J. HammerWhite
Kevin L. RuffinBlack
Kevin Leo DowlinWhite
Kevin Mark HagensWhite
Kevin O. Berrios-CabreraWhite
Kevin Paul YorgeyWhite
Kevin Scott PartelloWhite
Kevin SmithBlack
Kevin SouffrantBlack
Khiri Kashier SpainBlack
Kieron Anthony GantBlack
Kim Alexander BurgessBlack
Kristopher Allen SmithWhite
Kristopher Martinez-RomanWhite
Kyaire Thompson-BrownBlack
Kyle P. SeidelWhite
Kyle T. WunderWhite
Kyle Walter JonesWhite
Lakeithia Sylvia GatewoodBlack
Lakisha M. EdwardsBlack
Lamar Douglas ClarkBlack
Lamont RogersBlack
Lance HeverlyWhite
Landon Daniel MayWhite
Larry Bernard HarcumBlack
Larry J. RoweBlack
Larry James DerrWhite
Larry MillsBlack
Laura SousaWhite
Laurie Ellen RagerWhite
Lavar Sharif CoffieldBlack
Lawrence FlowersWhite
Lawrence Franklin JamisonWhite
Lazaro Luis Abreau-SusetBlack
Lee C. MouaAsian
Lee ChettyWhite
Lee Michael GilbertWhite
Lee Ray KellenbergerWhite
Leeton Jahwanza ThomasBlack
Leif AdkinsWhite
Leon Charles TadychWhite
Leroy StallworthBlack
Leslie Ray HooverWhite
Lester Leringo JohnsonBlack
Lisa Anne RuossWhite
Lisa Marie HoffmanWhite
Lisandro Prieto-SandovalWhite
Logan Ryan ReedWhite
Lorenzo SchrijverWhite
Louis Allen KohlWhite
Louis GianoukasWhite
Lourdes Milagros RamosWhite
Lovelle Kinon WeaverBlack
Lowell Trashawn FosterBlack
Lucas Allen NewnamWhite
Lucas W. GarrisWhite
Luis Alberto CastroWhite
Luis Alberto MartinezWhite
Luis Andrew SmithWhite
Luis Antonio Colon-SantiniWhite
Stacey E. FoxWhite
Stacy Renee RobertsonBlack
Stanley K. ToddWhite
Steele Tyrone HeltonWhite
Stefen Thomas LandingBlack
Stephen BedfordWhite
Stephen David Neal-CroweWhite
Stephen J. JonesWhite
Stephen John DiehlWhite
Stephen Leroy KillianWhite
Stephen M. CharlesWhite
Stephen M. HarmerWhite
Stephon WallsBlack
Steve Andre ClaytonBlack
Steven Alan BrownWhite
Steven Andrew McFallsWhite
Steven Anthony PraterWhite
Steven Frank LerbscherWhite
Steven Lee LavenderBlack
Steven Michael IngramWhite
Steven Michael MusserWhite
Steven Morales-GonzalezWhite
Steven SanabriaWhite
Steven SchramWhite
Stewart Michael LazarusWhite
Taireeque Anthony GantBlack
Tanya Marie FischerWhite
Tarik Lennox RobertsBlack
Tasha VargasWhite
Tawari Padua-RodriguezWhite
Taylor McCoy WikeBlack
Teddy J. BernardBlack
Tedor DavidoWhite
Tellin CintronWhite
Terrance F. TomoneyBlack
Terrance James LucasBlack
Terrance Keith JohnsonWhite
Terrell Devante FisherBlack
Terrence BrownBlack
Terrence Terrell RichardsonBlack
Terry Allen PattersonBlack
Terry Li Dee GrahamWhite
Terry LightyBlack
Thalia OrtizWhite
Thanh Van VoWhite
Theodore C. BixlerWhite
Thomas Albert HabaWhite
Thomas Clinton BelleBlack
Thomas Earl BeckerWhite
Thomas Edward IrwinWhite
Thomas Eric ZimmermanBlack
Thomas G. MooreWhite
Thomas J. GallagherWhite
Thomas Paul CampbellWhite
Thomas Wayne FrybergerWhite
Thomas White BakerBlack
Tichaona I. KamumvuriBlack
Tiffany Leigh RootWhite
Tiffany McGintyWhite
Timothy A. LondonBlack
Timothy Charles CampbellWhite
Timothy Donnell AndersonBlack
Timothy GrossBlack
Timothy Jamarr AllenBlack
Timothy Joseph SchittlerWhite
Timothy Mark DodgeWhite
Timothy Scott FlowersWhite
Timothy StallsworthWhite
Tito Santos-VargasWhite
Toby P. CundiffWhite
Todd Donald AtkinsonWhite
Todd Eric HauckWhite
Todd Matthew BowmanWhite
Todd Michael LingafeltWhite
Todd Michael NixdorfWhite
Tomas Miguele MatthewsBlack
Tony CruzWhite
Tony DoyleWhite
Tony J. RuestaWhite
Tracy Lee HodgesBlack
Travis MooreBlack
Traye Lamont BrooksBlack
Treasure R. MarshallOther
Trent JohnsonWhite
Trenton Michael NaceWhite
Trevor Bradley WimerWhite
Trevor Robert RedcayWhite
Trevr B. KoestnerWhite
Treyon Andre ThomasBlack
Tristan Van VoWhite
Troy Daniel BurkholderWhite
Troy Davis-SpadeWhite
Troy R. MayWhite
Troy S. SpencerWhite
Tye Nathan WeitzelWhite
Tyler Deante WhismanBlack
Tyler Deon EldridgeWhite
Tyler Dwayne JohnsBlack
Tyler L. BrielWhite
Tyler M. SteffyWhite
Tyler Morgan ReisingerWhite
Tyler Neil JonesWhite
Tyler Richard PearceWhite
Tyler Scott BobolaWhite
Tyler Stephen BerkebileWhite
Tyree Deshone HolmesBlack
Tyree Isiah RochaBlack
Tyree Jamal DixonBlack
Tyree Maurice SmithBlack
Tyrell Davis BoyerBlack
Tyrick Donte WalkerBlack
Tyrique Deshawn StelleyBlack
Tyrone Dondray DotsonBlack
Urie CastorBlack
Valeriy V MezentsevWhite
Vandy BlankenshipBlack
Vernon Antoine ConnerBlack
Vernon Keith MillerBlack
Victor Jose Rivera RodriguezWhite
Victor Manuel GarciaWhite
Victor Manuel TiradoWhite
Vladimir Junior PaltanWhite
Waldemar Nieves-MoralesWhite
Waldo V ShepardBlack
Walker MichelsWhite
Walter Aaron DolderWhite
Walter Lee BarronWhite
Wanyai Ahmere ParkerBlack
Warren Hal KeperlingWhite
Warren John RileyBlack
Warren Louis TrentWhite
Wayne Lee RoweWhite
Wayne Robert DixonBlack
Wesley James GroveWhite
Wilberto MelendezWhite
Wild Elliott OsterWhite
Wilfred TorresBlack
Wilfredo Perez-LopezWhite
Wilfredo PortalatinWhite
Wilfredo RodriguezWhite
Willard Maurice McCreaWhite
William Anthony ClarkBlack
William B. BlairWhite
William BonillaWhite
William Bonny SmithWhite
William Bradley HeagyWhite
William Darrell MorganBlack
William DortyBlack
William FergusonBlack
William James PhillipsWhite
William JenksWhite
William Korey LawrenceBlack
William Lopez MoralesWhite
William M. Santos-ColonBlack
William M. ShueWhite
William Michael HughesWhite
William Philip ForneyWhite
William R. BerkeBlack
William R. VollmarWhite
William Raymond MooreWhite
William Robert AtkinsWhite
William RosadoWhite
William SantiagoWhite
William Scott SnowWhite
William Thomas BeattieBlack
Yamil RosadoWhite
Yaquan Gerald WilliamsBlack
Yumil PerezWhite
Yusuf Ramandan BrownBlack
Zachary Andrew CrossWhite
Zachary Arthur ThomasWhite
Zachary Kyle LongWhite
Zachary Michael DerrWhite
Zachary R. FoxWhite
Zachary Taylor FreyWhite
Zachary Wayne MatesigWhite
Zack Clayton DoveWhite
Zackery James ZerbeWhite
Zane Anthony RobinsonWhite
Zyi-Mir HinesWhite